Girl with a Gun — A Poem
Girl, young girl. Young girl
with a gun. Shoots. Stuns.
Shooting at children her
same age. Girl, young girl
with a gun.
You better, we better, run!
Run! Run! Run out the door,
run outside.
Girl with a gun. She shot a gun,
a teacher died; students died.
Girl with a gun, a young girl
with an attitude, a young girl
with a vendetta, with neo-Nazi
leanings. What is the meaning
of this?
Who did this? It was a girl, a young
girl with a gun.
Why should young children
have to run?
Why did a teacher have to
die? Why should children
have to hide? Why should children
have to cry? Why should young
children, youth have to die?
Stunned, stunned, stunned
about the girl, the girl, the
young girl with a gun.
The police are going to come.
The ambulance is on its way.
The girl, the young girl
with the gun made sure
someone died today.
Where is this hate
coming from, especially
when it was a girl, a young
girl with a gun?
© Christopher D. Sims